科 目:OT542-E / OT742 傳道書
上課時間:9:00am – 4:00pm (香港時間)
(lunch: 12:00nn – 1:00pm)
教 授:謝慧兒博士
上課形式:只設實體面授,不設Zoom上課 (課後會提供錄影)
A. 學員對象
這個課程可以升格為Th. M. 課程,參:
先修要求:已修讀希伯來文一,二 (兼讀同學豁免)
B. 課程目標
C. 課程大綱
1. 智慧文學簡介;傳道書導論
2. 傳道書段落分析:一1-11:引言
3. 一12~二26:智慧,享樂,勞碌的追尋的虛空
4. 三1-15:萬事有定時:三16-22:人世間的不公義
5. 四1-16:雜思
6. 五1-7:在上帝面前當慎言
7. 五8~六9:財富的虛空
8. 六10~八17:未來一切已由上帝命定,人查不出來
9. 九1~十一6:人不知道之後會發生甚麼事情
10. 十一7~十二7:給年青人的忠告
11. 十二8-14:後記
D. 科目要求
- 碩士程度. & Th.M.
- 碩士程度
- Th.M.
2. 就以上的閱讀,寫一份2頁的讀書報告。
3. 從傳道書自選一段獨立的段落的經文(6~8節),作深入的原文分析(6,000 – 8,000字)
E. 教科書及參考書目
1. Bartholomew, Craig G. Ecclesiastes. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009. BS1475.53.B378 2009
2. Beldman, David J. H., and Russell L. Meek. A Classified Bibliography on Ecclesiastes. London: T & T Clark, 2019. Z7772.C35.M445 2019
3. Boda, Mark J., Tremper Longman III, and Christian G. Rata ed. The Words of the Wise Are Like Goads: Engaging Qohelet in the 21st Century. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2013. BS1475.52.W67 2013
4. Enns, Peter. Ecclesiastes. Cambridge: UK, 2011. BS1475.53.E56 2001
5. Fox, Michael V. Ecclesiastes. The JPS Bible Commentary. Philadelphia: The Jewish Publication Society, 2004. BS1473.F69 2004
6. Fredericks, Daniel C. and Daniel J. Estes. Ecclesiastes and The Song of Songs. AOTC. Nottingham: Apollos, 2010. BS1475.53.F74 2010
7. Heim, Knut Martin. Ecclesiastes: An Introduction and Commentary. TOTC. Downers Grove: IVP Academic, 2019. BS1475.53.H45 2019
8. Holmstedt, Robert D., John A. Cook, and Phillip S. Marshall ed. Qoheleth: A Handbook on the Hebrew Text. Baylor Handbook on the Hebrew Bible. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2017. BS1475.52.H65 2017
9. Kruger, Thomas. Qoheleth: A Commentary. O. C. Dean, Jr. trans. Hermeneia. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2004. BS1475.53.K78 2004
10. Limburg, James. Encountering Ecclesiastes: A Book for Our Time. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2006. BS1475.53.L56 2006
11. Lohfink, Norbert. Qoheleth. Sean McEvenue trans. A Continental Commentary. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2003. BS1475.53.L6413 2003
12. Murphy, Roland E. Ecclesiastes. Word Biblical Commentary. Waco: Word Books, 1992. BS1475.53.M87 1992.
13. Ogden, Graham S. Qoheleth. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, 2007. BS1475.53.O33 2007
14. Provan, Iain. Ecclesiastes/Song of Songs. NIVAC. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001. BS1475.53.P76 2001
15. Schoors, Antoon. Ecclesiastes. Leuven: Peeters, 2013. BS1475.53.S36 2013
16. Seow, Choon Leong. Ecclesiastes. The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries. New York: Doubleday, 1997. BS1475.53.S424 1997
17. Weeks, Stuart. Ecclesiastes 1-5: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary. ICC. London: T & T Clark, 2020. BS1475.53.W44 2020
18. Weeks, Stuart. Ecclesiastes 5-12: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary. ICC. London: T & T Clark, 2021. BS1475.53.W44 2022
19. Whybray, R. N. Ecclesiastes. NCBC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1989. BS1475.53.W49 1989
20. Zuck, Roy B. ed. Reflecting with Solomon: Selected Studies on the Book of Ecclesiastes. Eugene: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2003. BS1475.52.R4 2003
21. 川珀.朗曼三世(Tremper Longman III)著。汪思涵譯。《傳道書,雅歌》。香港:恩道出版社,2016。 BS1475.53.L662c 2016
22. 伊頓著。蔡金玲,幸貞德合譯。《傳道書》。丁道爾舊約聖經註釋。台北:校園,1987。 BS1475.53.E28C 1987
23. 吳獻章。《傳道書》。天道註釋。香港:天道,2010。 BS1475.53.W8, 2010
24. 楊錫鏘。《日光之下,禍福人生:楊錫鏘牧師講道集》。香港:基道,2023。BV4254.C5.Y4834 2023
25. 謝慧兒。《傳道書 ── 試看人生》。香港:明道社,2005。 BS1475.53.X5 2005