上課日期:2025年4月2日至 2025年6月4日 (逢星期三,共10課)
上課時間:7:00pm - 9:30pm (香港時間)
上課形式:實體 + Zoom,並提供錄影
教 授:郭鴻標牧師
A. 學員對象
B. 課程目標
C. 課程大綱
1. 聖經只是一本普通的書嗎?
2. 傳統是否一無是處?
3. 經驗是否主觀?
4. 理性是否客觀?
5. 德意志民族主義與教會
6. 東歐民族主義與教會
7. 俄羅斯民族主義與教會
8. 民族主義下的教會:土耳其、中東
9. 教會的前途
10. 課堂報告
D. 科目要求
1. 閱讀報告:閱讀以下書籍150頁(30%)
Steven Grosby. Biblical Ideas of Nationality. Ancient & Modern. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2002. (E-Book)
2. 論文大綱(10%)
3. 論文(40%)
4. 課堂報告(20%)
*應屆畢業同學須於 6月18 日或之前交齊功課及申報出席率*
E. 教科書及參考書目
1.郭鴻標著。《基督信仰連結與整合》。香港:建道神學院, 2022年。
9.Alister E. McGrath. The Nature of Christian Doctrine. Its Origins, Development, and Function. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2024. (BT25M34.2024)
10.Mike Higton & Jim Fodor eds. The Routledge Companion to the Practice of Christian Theology. London: Routledge, 2015. (BV3.R68.2015eb)
11.Chad Meister & James Beilby eds. The Routledge Companion to Modern Christian Thought. London: Routledge, 2013, (BT27.R68.2013eb)
12.Grant Kalpan & Kevin M. Vander Schel. The Oxford History of Modern German Theology Vol.1: 1781-1848. Oxford: OUP, 2023(E-Book)
13.Ulrich L. Lehner et al eds. The Oxford Handbook of Early Modern Theology, 1600-1800. Oxford: OUP, 2014.(E-Book)
14. Amitabh Bhatt. Karl Marx: Theory of Social Change. Centrum Press, 2011.(E-Book)
15. Gregory J. Goalwin.Borders of Belief: Religious Nationalism & the Formation of Identity in Ireland & Turkey. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2022.
16. James Bjork. Neither German nor Pole: Catholicism & National Indifference in a Central European Borderland. University of Michigan Press, 2008. (E-Book)
17.Tamara Grdzelidze. Ecclesial Boundaries & National Identity in the Orthodox Church. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2023.(E-Book)
18.Emil Hilton Saggau. Nationalism of the Sacred. Orthodox Historiography, Memory, & Politics in Montenegro. New York: Peter Lang, 2024. (E-Book)
19. John B. Dunlop. The Faces of Contemporary Russian Nationalism. Princeton University Press, 2014. (E-Book)
20.Hans Schwarz. The Future of the Church. Eugene: Cascade Books, 2024. (BV600.3S416.2024eb)
- Teacher: 郭鴻標牧師 Rev. Dr. Benedict Kwok FACULTY