上課日期:2025年4月3日至 2025年6月5日
(逢星期四,5月1日 及 5月15日停課,共8課)
上課時間:7:00pm - 9:45pm (香港時間)
教 授:董智敏博士
*第9課 (6月12日) 為考試,上課時間:6:30-9:30pm (香港時間)
A. 學員對象
主修敬拜讚美 或 教會的敬拜隊員
B. 課程內容
C. 課程要求
1. 閱讀要求(700頁)20% 需要交 reading log
- Jonathan Edwards, Religious Affections, Part 1 & 3 (Sign one to five). (Free on e-campus)
(中文:愛德華滋著,彭彥華譯:《屬靈情感》,第一部分與第三部分 [Sign one to five]。)
- Jonathan Edwards, An Unpublish Essay on the Trinity (Free on e-campus)
- Holder, Arthur edi. The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. (Ch. 15 Sacramentality and Christian Spirituality; Ch. 20 Aesthetics; Ch. 22 Ritual Studies)
- Cherry, Constance M. The Music architect: Blueprints for Engaging Worshipers in Song. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2016. (Ch. 11 Forming Disciples through Song: Worship as Spiritual Formation)
Reading Log Example:
作者與書本 | 閱讀時數 | 頁數 |
Jonathan Edwards, An Unpublish Essay on the Trinity | 2 | 19 |
盧雲著。徐麗娟譯。《親愛主,牽我手︰認識禱告真義》。香港︰基道,2005。 | 10 | 150 |
總頁數 | 169 |
2. 分組報告敬拜流程(Worship flow) 40%
以小組形式,撰寫一份 25-30分鐘的敬拜流程,內容需要有詩歌、禱文、轉接句、神學與靈修註釋。
- 敬拜詩歌選擇(包括詩歌神學與音樂分析)與流程安排合適
- 禱文表達合乎神學並能夠帶領會眾進入禱告
- 神學註釋正確
- 靈修註釋恰當
3. 帶領敬拜流程 (Worship guiding)40%
- 全隊人的合拍並整整齊齊地帶領整個敬拜
- 準確帶領出敬拜流程的的內容
- 帶領會眾進入禱告
- 帶領會眾敬拜
- 驚喜
若同學需要試咪、試場,請同學於 4:30pm 起到達灣仔市區校園
*應屆畢業同學須於 6月18 日或之前交齊功課及申報出席率*
D. 教科書及參考書目
1. Abernethy, Alexis Deanne, ed. Worship that Changes Lives: Multidisciplinary and Congregational Perspectives on Spiritual Transformation. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008.
2. Block, Daniel I. For the Glory of God: Recovering a Biblical Theology of Worship. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2016. (有中文)
3. Cherry, Constance M. The Music Architect: A Blueprints for Engaging Worshipers in Song. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2016.
4. Holder, Arthur edi. The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. (Ch. 15 Sacramentality and Christian Spirituality; Ch. 20 Aesthetics; Ch. 22 Ritual Studies)
5. Hourlier, Jacques. Reflections on the Spirituality of Gregorian Chant. Translated and edited by Gregory Casprini and Robert Edmonson. Orleans, Mass.:Paraclete Press, 1995.
6. Okholm Dennis. Learning Theology through the Church’s Worship. Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group, 2018.
7. Von Balthasar, Hans urs. Cosmic Liturgy: The universe according to Maximus the Confessor. San Francisco: Communio Ignatius Press, 1988.
8. Water, Mark edi. The Encyclopedia of Prayer and Praise. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2004.
9. Wilson-Dickson, Andrew. The Story of Christian Music: from Gregorian Chant to Black Gospel, an Authoritative Illustrated Guide to All the Major Traditions of Music for Worship. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1992.
10. Wright, Timothy K. A Community of Joy: How to Create Contemporary Worship. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994.
11. Hans Urs von Balthasar, Cosmic Liturgy: The Universe According to Maximus to Confessor, 277-358.
1. 布雷克︰《改革宗靈修系統神學:基督徒理所當然的侍奉》。http://www.chinachristianbooks.org/home/ChildrenList.aspx?CategoryId=837feda8-6a64-4b0c-b815-874913a7f7b7&SubCategoryId=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000&ContentId=62e51fc8-8b69-48b8-af6c-1a15c449e8b8(ch. 68.禱告;ch. 77.論隱修;ch. 79.歌唱)
2. 大衞‧福斯特著。陳永財譯。《與神同誦:靈閱的意義與實踐》。香港:基道,2007。
3. 廖炳堂。《靈修神學︰理論與實踐》。香港︰建道,2010。(ch. 3, 4, 6)
4. 盧雲著。徐麗娟譯。《親愛主,牽我手︰認識禱告真義》。香港︰基道,2005。(With Open Hands)
5. Kathleen Finley著。陳錦榮譯。《細味上帝︰用五感禱告》。香港︰學生福音團契,2008。
6. 威廉‧貝瑞著。楊黎芳譯。《天主與我──祈禱︰意識到天主與我的關係》。台北︰光啟,2006
- Teacher: 董智敏博士 Dr. Tung Chi Man FACULTY-AL-