科        目:OT614-E 以斯拉、尼希米時代的敘事身份塑造
上課日期:2025年4月3日至 2025年6月12日
上課時間:7:00pm - 9:45pm (香港時間)
教        授:劉詠君牧師

A. 課程目標


B. 課程內容




子民的回歸與祭壇敬拜的恢復 (拉一至三章)


重建聖殿與攔阻 (拉四至六章)


以斯拉的歸回與摩西律法 (拉七至八章)


異族通婚的問題 (拉九至十章)


尼希米的歸回與耶城 (尼一至三章)


重建城牆與攔阻 (尼四至六章)


重立盟約 (尼七至十章)


耶路撒冷的人民、城牆奉獻及尼希米的改革 (尼十一至十三章)

C. 科目要求

1. 閱讀以斯拉及尼希米記一次 (佔10%)

2. 專文 (佔90%)
    字數:6000字 (上下限為500字)
    i) 試探討《以斯拉記》
    ii) 試探討《尼希米記》
    iii) 試探討《尼希米記》

*應屆畢業同學須於 618 日或之前交齊功課及申報出席率*

D. 教科書及參考書目

  • 被擄回歸及波斯帝國的背景歷史

1. Albertz, Rainer. Israel in Exile: The History and Literature of the Sixth Century B.C.E. Translated by David Gree. Atlanta: SBL, 2003. 

2. Blenkinsopp, Joseph. Judaism, the First Phase: The Place of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Origins of Judaism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009.

3. Briant, Pierre. From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2002.

4. Carter, Charles E. The Emergence of Yehud in the Persian Period: A Social and Demographic Study. JSOTSS 294. Sheffield: JSOT, 1999.

5. Gerstenberger, Erhard S. Israel in the Persian Period: The Fifth and Fourth Centuries B. C. E. Translated by Siegfried S. Schatzmann. SBLBE 8. Atlanta, SBL, 2011.

6. Grabbe, Lester L. A History of the Jews and Judaism in the Second Temple Period: Volume I: Yehud: A Hisotry of the Persian Province of Judah. London, T & T Clark 2004. 

  • 以斯拉及尼希米的學術書籍
1. Eskenazi, Tamara. In an Age of Prose: A Literary Approach to Ezra-Nehemiah. SBLMS 36. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988.

2. Japhet, Sara. From the Rivers of Babylon to the Highlands of Judah: Collected Studies on the Restoration Period. Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 2006.

3. Kalimi, Isaac., ed. New Perspectives on Ezra-Nehemiah: History and Historiography, Text, Literature, and Interpretation. Winona Lake, Ind: Eisenbrauns, 2012.

4. Southwood, Katherine. Ethnicity and the Mixed Marriage Crisis in Ezra 9-10: An Anthropological Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

  • 釋經書

1. Becking, Bob. Ezra-Nehemiah. Historical Commentary on the Old Testament. Leuven: Peeters, 2018. 

2. Blenkinsopp, Joseph. Ezra-Nehemiah. OTL. London: SCM, 1988.

3. Clines, David. Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther. NCB. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984.

4. Eskenazi, Tamara C. Ezra: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. AB 14A. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023. 

5. Fried, Lisbeth S. Ezra: A Commentary. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2015.

6. Fried, Lisbeth S. Nehemiah: A Commentary. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 2022. 

7. Harrington. Hannah K. The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2022.

8. Throntveit, Mark. Ezra-Nehemiah. Louisville: John Knox, 1992.

9. Williamson, H. G. M. Ezra, Nehemiah. WBC 16. Waco, TX: Word, 1985.

10. Williamson, H. G. M. Ezra and Nehemiah. OTG. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1987.