課程題目:NT662-E / NT462-E 希伯來書
上課日期:2022年3月30日 至2022年6月1日 (逢週三;共10課)
* 由於疫情緣故,春季所有晚間兼讀科目課堂,由開課日(28/3)起至4月20日,均以全ZOOM形式進行,並提供錄影(實習科目除外)。*

A. 學員對象:

修讀NT662-E 希伯來書(文憑及碩士程度)一科,必須曾修讀「新約研究」或「新約概論」。
修讀NT462-E 希伯來書(證書、副學士及學士程度) 一科,必須曾修讀「新約研究」或「新約概論」或「新約背景」

B. 課程目標:

  • 對〈希伯來書〉的內容有一定的掌握;
  • 對〈希伯來書〉的詮釋方法和神學思想有一定的掌握;及
  • 對早期教會的生態文化及其面對的挑戰有一定程度的瞭解

C. 課程內容:


D. 課程要求:

NT462E:釋經分享8篇(不少於1000字一篇)100%  300分鐘 x 8
NT662E:論文評論(不少於2000字)35%  1000分鐘
                  課程專文(不少於6000字)65%  2000分鐘

E. 教科書及參考書目:


NT462E:哈格納著;梁曙東譯。《希伯來書概論》。South Pasadena: 美國麥種傳道會,2014
NT662E:McCruden, Kevin B. A Body You Have Prepared for Me: The Spirituality of the Letter to the Hebrews. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2013.(可於Book Depository訂購) + 指定閱讀


1. Bauckham, Richard, et al, eds. A Cloud of Witnesses: The Theology of Hebrews in its Ancient Contexts. LNTS 387. London: T&T Clark, 2008.

2. Bauckham, Richard, et al, eds. The Epistle to the Hebrews and Christian Theology. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2009. 這是近期研究〈希伯來書〉的重要參考,內容收集了多篇處理〈希伯來書〉一些重要課題的研究文章。

3. Compton, Jared. Psalm 110 and the Logic of Hebrews. LTS 537. London: Bloombury T&T Clark, 2015.

4. Easter, Matthew C. Faith and the Faithfulness of Jesus in Hebrews. SNTSMS 160. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

5. Joslin, Barry C. Hebrews, Christ, and the Law: The Theology of the Mosaic Law in Hebrews 7:1-10:18. Paternoster Biblical Monographs. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2009.

6. Laansma, Jon. ‘I will give you rest’: The “Rest” Motif in the New Testament with Special Reference to Mt 11 and Heb 3-4. WUNT 2: 58. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1997.

7. Peterson, David. Hebrews and Perfection: An Examination of the Concept of Perfection in the “The Epistle to the Hebrews”. SNTSMS 47. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

8. Rhee, Victor. Faith in Hebrews: Analysis Within the Context of Christology, Eschatology, and Ethics. Eugene: Wipf & Stock, 2019. (Previously published by Peter Lang.)

9. Son, Kiwoong. Zion Symbolism in Hebrews: Hebrews 12:18-24 as a Hermeneutical Key to the Epistle. Paternostser Biblical Monographs. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2005.

10. Whitelark, Jason A. Enabling Fidelity to God: Perseverance in Hebrews in Light of the Reciprocity Systems of the Ancient Mediterranean World. Paternoster Biblical Monographs. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, 2008.

11. 吳存仁著。《幔子裂開:一條有新又活的路》。臺灣:華神出版社,2009