
1.1  本課程讓同學進深思考神學與詮釋學之間的課題。自十八世紀萊馬克(Friedrich  Schleiermacher) 的年代開始,釋經學(Hermeneutics)成為一個獨立的神學課題,神學研究與聖經研究正式分家。 因此,本課程嘗試為這神學研究中的「聖經」與「神學」領域作對話。無論是神學釋經抑或詮釋學    理論,無論是聖經研究抑或神學研究,本課程透過不同角度、不同研究範疇、不同神學起點作反省與探究。


2    課程大

1.      9/1  郭鴻標:神學釋經概論

2.      16/1 陳韋安:啓示與詮釋 - 上帝的三一啓示與教會羣體的詮釋權威

3.      30/1 陳韋安:historia 與theoria - 寓意解經研究與現代釋經學的神學反省

4.      6/2  高銘謙:哲學詮釋學 (philosophical hermeneutics)

5.      13/2  馮耀榮:解構詮釋 - 簡介解構主義 (Deconstruction)

6.      20/2  馮耀榮:延異蹤跡 (Différance and Trace)

7.      27/2  馮耀榮:本文(Text and Context)

8.      6/3     葉應霖:Hermeneutics After Ricoeur

9.      13/3  伍偉亨:Art, Hermeneutics and Theology;
                   陳韋安:總結 教會羣體與釋經權威

3    科目要求:

3.1      撰寫一份學術論文(10000字左右):神學研究範疇或聖經研究範疇


4    參考書⽬

4.1     Kevin J. Vanhoozer. Biblical Narrative in the Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur: A Study in Hermeneutics and Theology.

4.2     James M. Robinson. Language, hermeneutic & history: Theology after Barth and Bultmann. Eugene, OR : Cascade Books 2008

4.3     Donald Wood. Barth's Theology of Interpretation. Aldershot, England : Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub.2007


4.4     Friedrich Schleiermacher, Andrew Bowie. Hermeneutics and Criticism and Other Writings. Cambridge University Press, 1998.

4.5     Richard Palmer. Hermeneutics: interpretation theory in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, and Gadamer.

Northwestern University Press, Year: 1969 

4.6     George Hunsinger (ed). Thy Word is truth: Barth on Scripture. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 2012

4.7     Neil B. MacDonald. Karl Barth and the strange new world within the Bible: Barth, Wittgenstein, and the Metadilemmas of the Enlightenment. GA : Paternoster Press c2001

4.8     Hans W. Frei ; edited by George Hunsinger, William C. Placher. Theology and narrative: selected essays. New York : Oxford University Press 1993

4.9     Henri de Lubac ; translated by Mark Sebanc. Medieval exegesis. Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans ; Edinburgh: T&T Clark 1998 2000

4.10     林貝克。《教義的本質》;