CM517/ CM717 崇拜與倫理:哀歌與三一神的共情
MDiv/ ThM(3 學分)[聖樂與敬拜神學碩士主修科;整合哀歌的聖經神學與實踐神學]
崇拜與倫理的關係是甚麼? 聖經中的哀歌如何幫助我們用心靈和誠實敬拜?三一上主的共情如何激發我們在崇拜和靈修生活中,以哀歌與頌歌向主表達?運用音樂與藝術又有甚麼原則?
1. 認識哀歌的聖經基礎,並歷史與當代詩歌發展。
2. 崇拜與倫理:探討教會如何在現今的處境中,從宣講與聖餐,呼召到差遣,可與信徒的工作和生活相運,並作崇拜更新。
3. 崇拜的編排:如何以聖經的哀傷文學,作公共的禱告,並配合經文和節期。
| 日期 | 課程內容及進度 | 讀經 / 禱告/ 習作 |
1 | 29/12 | 課程簡介-哀歌的運用及導論 | 閱讀詩篇中的哀歌 |
2 | 05/01 | 哀歌的聖經基礎(一):詩篇--以基督為中心的哀歌 | 指定閱讀PDF (1) |
3 | 12/01 | 哀歌的聖經基礎(二):哀歌的主題 | 選讀聖經哀傷文學-耶、哀、結; 指定閱讀PDF (2) |
| 19/1 | (祈禱日) | |
4 | 26/01 | 崇拜與倫理:出埃及事件與基督事件在崇拜中的運用 | Forum [閱書報告 或 觀察報告] |
5 | 02/02 | 哀歌:歷史與當代詩歌發展 | 導修約見老師; 自選閱讀PDF (3) |
6 | 09/02 | 哀歌與聖禮基礎(一):聖餐中的哀歌 | 自選閱讀PDF (4) |
7 | 16/02 | 哀歌與聖禮基礎(二):抹油、喪葬與醫治 | Forum 回饋 |
8 | 23/02 | 哀慟的人有福了!哀傷文學作為公共的禱告的實踐 | 自選閱讀PDF (5) |
9 | 02/03 | 專文簡報1 | 交PPT |
10 | 09/03 | 總結、專文簡報2 | 17/3繳交專文 |
1. 完成指定閱讀及自選閱讀,並作閱讀記錄 (700頁; 神碩 910頁)Reading Log– 10%
- 需要寫頁數及完成日期;連同專文一併上載。
2. 閱書報告 或 觀察報告(1000字)及回饋:參與禮儀元素較豐厚的堂會崇拜,於公開討論區分享兩則觀察報告及在網上校園作回饋– 30%
a. 第5週前完成公開討論第1則 [閱書報告 或 觀察報告] (佔20%)
b. 第8課前交第2側及作兩篇回饋或分享(公開討論區分享的內容可與專文相關,每篇250字; 佔10%)
3. 專文或崇拜編排 (4000字;神碩 5200字) – 60%
研究專文 (Research paper) 或
附神學及牧養解說的崇拜編排 - 需含聖經哀傷文學或哀歌元素(Annotated Worship planning base on laments)
可詢問老師有關小組作業的字數; 個別導修指導作業及研究方向。
課堂簡報--專文或崇拜編排重點(15 minutes/person - 佔15%)
[ThM同學字數和閱讀加30% - 閱讀910頁;總作業 5,200字]
功課要求與時數分配 | 3學分 | 成積% |
參與課堂及導修 (個別導修可實體或Zoom約見) | 25小時 | -- |
1. [Reading Log] 指定閱讀及記錄 – 需要寫頁數及完成日期(700頁; 神碩910頁) | 12小時 | 10% |
2. [Forum] 閱書/觀察報告(1000-1300字) 及回饋(參與公開討論; 每篇250字) | 13小時 | 30% |
3. [總作業] - 專文(4000字;神碩5200字) 連同課堂簡報(15 minutes/person - 佔15%) | 25小時 | 60% |
三學分學習時數 - 共75小時 | 75小時 | 100% |
專文評分標準 Marking scheme for final paper
理解 | 切題;處境與應用的適切性 | 25 |
取材 | 理論基礎的選取及闡釋 | 20 |
分析 | 論點的分析及解說 | 20 |
資料 | 參考資料的數量及適切性 | 20 |
表達 | 文句表達、文章結構、引用格式 | 15 |
| 總分 | 100% |
1. Kit-Ying Law. Relational Trinitarian Theology: Transforming Worship and Liturgical Expression in Diasporic Chinese Christian Communities. (ISBN:978-988-14212-4-1, to be published).
2. 何世傑. 2021. 延展視界 : 崇拜與群體德行陶塑 初版. ed. 香港: 天道
3. Nouwen, Henri J. M., Jones, Timothy K., and 黃大業 2018. 祢已將哀哭變為跳舞 : 在時艱中尋找盼望 初版. ed. 香港: 基道
4. Saliers, Don E. 1994. Worship as Theology : Foretaste of Glory Divine. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press.
5. Kit-Ying Law. “East Asian Christian Music.” In The Encyclopedia of Christian Culture, edited by Nozomi Sato. Tokyo: Maruzen Publication(丸善出版株式会社), 2022.
6. 鄧瑞強., 鄧瑞強, and 趙崇明 2011. 當俗世遇上敬拜 初版. ed. 香港: 香港神學院 ; 基道
7. Nouwen, Henri J. M., Mogabgab, John S, and 黃大業 2018. 盧雲靈思集 : 關顧, 傷癒時刻 初版. ed. 香港: 基道
電子教科書(Ebooks available at ABS library)
1. Saliers, Don and Saliers, Emily. A song to sing, a life to live : reflections on music as spiritual practice. Fortress Press, 2019.
2. Zaerr Brenneman, Diane. Words for Worship 2. Scottdale, Pa.: Herald, 2009. (eBook available)
3. Worship and Culture : Foreign Country or Homeland?, edited by Wilkey, Glaucia Vasconcelos, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,
4.Taylor WDO. For the Beauty of the Church: Casting a Vision for the Arts. Baker Books; 2010.
5. Jensen, Robin M.. “Allusions to Imperial Rituals in Fourth-Century Christian Art.” In The Art of Empire: Christian Art in Its Imperial context, edited by Lee M. Jefferson and Robin M. Jensen, 13-47. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015. (共35頁)
6. Nouwen, Henri J. M., Morey, Arthur, Christianaudio, and NetLibrary, Inc. 2010. Home Tonight Further Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Escondido, Calif.] : [Boulder, Colo.: Christianaudio ; Made available electronically by] NetLibrary.
7. Pembroke, Neil. Pastoral Care in Worship : Liturgy and Psychology in Dialogue, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2010. ProQuest Ebook Central,
電子參考書(Ebooks available at ABS library)
Eaton, John H., et al. The Psalms : A Historical and Spiritual Commentary with an Introduction and New Translation, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2003. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Waltke, Bruce K., et al. The Psalms as Christian Lament, Eerdmans, 2014. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Villanueva, Federico. The 'Uncertainty of a Hearing' : A Study of the Sudden Change of Mood in the Psalms of Lament, BRILL, 2008. ProQuest Ebook Central,
Janowski, Bernd. Arguing with God : A Theological Anthropology of the Psalms, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central,
1. Carson, D. A. Christ and Culture Revisited. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2008. (BR 115 .C8 C268), 1-30.
2. Cosgrove, Charles H., Herold Weiss, and Khiok-Khng Yeo. Cross-Cultural Paul : Journeys to Others, Journeys to Ourselves. Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2005, Chapter 3, “Paul’s Theological Ethic and the Chinese Morality of Ren Ren.” 104-140. (BS 2506 .C68)
3. Hawn, Michael. “Sounds of the Bamboo: I-to Loh and the Development of Asian Hymns.” Gather into One: Praying and Singing Globally. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003. 72-103.
4. Springtime of the liturgy : liturgical texts of the first four centuries / [edited] by Lucien Deiss ; translated by Matthew J. O'Connell. Collegeville, Minn. : Liturgical Press c1979. Available at ABS Library General Book (BV 185 .D413 1979 )
1. Black, Kathy. Culturally-Conscious Worship. St. Louis: Chalice, 2000.
2. ____. Worship across Cultures. Nashville: Abingdon, 1999.
3. Chupungco, Anscar. Cultural Adaptation of the Liturgy. Wipf & Stock, 2006.
4. Costen, Melva. In Spirit and Truth: The Music of African American Worship. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2004.
5. Dudley, Carl S. and Nancy T. Ammerman. Congregations in Transition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002.
6. Daniels, David. “’Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round’: The Politics of Race and the New Black Middle-Class Religion.” In Public Religion and Urban Transformation, ed. Lowell W. Livesey. New York: New York University Press, 2000. 162-185.
7. Driver, Tom. The Magic of Ritual: Our Need for Liberating Rites That Transform Our Lives and Our Communities.. San Francisco: Harper, 1991.
8. Empereur, James L. and Christopher G. Kiesling. The Liturgy that Does Justice. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, 1990.
9. Francis, Mark R.. Shape a Circle Ever Wider: Liturgical Inculturation in the United States. Chicago: Liturgical Training Publications, 2000.
10. Hawn, C. Michael. One Bread, One Body: Exploring Cultural Diversity in Worship. Washington, D.C.: Alban Institute, 2003.
11. Jenkins, Philip. The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity. Oxford/ New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
12. Law, Eric H. F. Sacred Acts, Holy Change. St. Louis: Chalice, 2002.
13. Maynard-Reid, Pedrito, Diverse Worship. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press,
14. McElvaney, William. Eating and Drinking at the Welcome Table. Chalice Press, 1998.
- Teacher: 羅潔盈博士 Dr. Law Kit Ying FACULTY-AL-