GA451-22S 基督教經典閱讀




1. 增多基督教經典的涉獵,擴濶視野。

2. 尤以在英文的基督教經典閱讀上,提高興趣和增強能力。


1. Poythress, Vern Sheridan.  Logic: A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought, 2013. 31/3/2023 [],黃玉明博士)

2. 吳理恩:《以色列史綜覽》,1977。附:Hershel Shanks, Ancient Israel:  

From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple, revised and expanded edition.; John Bright, A History of Israel, rev. ed., 2000.14/4/2023 [],甘汝誠老師)  

3. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich.  Discipleship.  Trans. Barbara Green and Reinhard Kraus, 2003. (潘霍華:《追隨基督),2005。(21/4/2023 [],郭鴻標牧師)  

4. Paloutzian, Raymond F.  Invitation to the Psychology of Religion, 2017.5/5/2023 [],麥耀光牧師)

5. Alter, Robert.  The Art of Biblical Narrative, 2011.(奧爾特著。黃愈軒、譚晴譯。《聖經敘述文的藝術》,2005]12/5/2023 [],馮耀榮牧師)

6. Howell, Brian M., and Jenell Paris.  Introducing Cultural Anthropology: A Christian Perspective, 2011.15/5/2023 [],曾錫華牧師)

7. Ricoeur, Paul.  Time and Narrative.  Vol. 1.  University of Chicago, 1990. 19/5/2023 [],葉應霖博士)

8. 傑沐恩著。申美倫和陳潔寧譯。《跨文化門徒訓練:全方位靈命塑造》。新北市:中華福音神學院出版社,2019。(Moon, W. Jay.  Intercultural Discipleship: Learning from Global Approaches to Spiritual Formation, 2017.29/5/2023 [,潘凱玲老師)

9. 同學書籍分享(2/6 []依序為:1. 楊潔瑩;2. 戴啟恩;3. 廖浚煒;4. 余澤銳;5. 吳子熙;6. 朱家震。

10. 同學書籍分享(9/6/2023 []))依序為:1. 曾卓藍2. 江貴裕3. 鄧啟華4. 陶均5. 樂穎琦


  1. 書籍分享(佔分20%):每位同學需要在堂上介紹一本影響自己頗大的基督教經典讀物或屬靈書籍,約十五分鐘(在最後兩堂內進行)。 
  2. 速讀(佔分30%):在老師分享的書籍中揀選三本作快速的閱讀(大概每本用三小時左右),然後把每一本書的名稱、作者、出處、頁數及十句精彩的句子/分析/洞見 記錄下來。 
  3. 深度閱讀與反省(佔分50%):在老師分享的書籍中揀選兩本作深入的閱讀,然後撰寫一個閱讀心得或反省(每本書約 2,500 )


上課    1500 min

功課1   600 min 

功課2   900 min

功課3  1500 min

共      4500 min 


Alter, Robert. The Art of Biblical NarrativeNew York: Basic Books, 2011. 


Bonhoeffer, Dietrich.  Discipleship.  Trans. Barbara Green and Reinhard Kraus, 2003.

潘霍華著,鄧肇明、古樂人譯:《追隨基督》。   香港:道聲,2005  

Bright, John.  A History of Israel.  4th ed., 2000.


Glueck, Nelson.  Rivers in the Desert: A History of Negev.  New York: The Norton Library, 1968.

Howell, Brian M., and Jenell Paris.  Introducing Cultural Anthropology: A Christian Perspective, 2011.

Moon, W. Jay.  Intercultural Discipleship: Learning from Global Approaches to Spiritual Formation.  Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2017.


Paloutzian, Raymond F.  Invitation to the Psychology of Religion.  3rd ed.  New York, NY: Guilford Press, 2017.

Poythress, Vern Sheridan.  Logic: A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought, 2013.

Ricoeur, Paul.  Time and Narrative.  Vol. 1.  University of Chicago, 1990.

Shanks, Hershel, ed.  Ancient Israel: From Abraham to the Roman Destruction of the Temple.  Revised and ExpandedEdition, 1999. 

Wood, Leon J.  A Survey of Israel’s History.  Revised by David O’Brien.  Grand Rapids: Zondervan Pub. House, 1986.
