科 目:ME536-E/ ME436-E 跨越文化實習
上課日期:2023年3月31日 至 2023年6月2日
* 第9、10課為社區考察實習,講師會與各同學安排時間及地點
上課時間:7:00-9:30pm (香港時間)
上課地點:中華基督教會公理堂 (銅鑼灣禮頓道119號)
教 授:曾錫華牧師、潘凱玲老師
上課形式:實體 + Zoom,並提供錄影
A. 學員對象
B. 課程目標
C. 課程內容
D. 課程要求
1) 閱讀教科及參考書:ME436-E 最少500頁,ME536-E 最少600頁。
2) 最少4次(會彈性安排合適時間)外出到社區作跨越文化實地考察,在課堂作口述簡報及完成綜合考察書面報告一份(3000至4500字)。
3) 完成海外實習後提交工場研究及反省專文一份(4000至5500字)
E. 教科書及參考書目
2. Roembke, Lianne Building Credible Multicultural Teams. Pasadena, CA: William Carey, 2000.
3. 傅美惠(Marjory F. Folye) 。《光榮的受創者—跨文化工作的壓力》。香港宣道差會,2012年3月初版。
4. 湯姆‧史蒂芬及露易絲‧麥金尼‧道格拉斯合著 (Tom S. Steffen and Lois McKinney Douglas)。《跨出舒適圈大挑戰:宣教士的生活與工作》(Encountering Missionary Life and Work: Preparing for Intercultural Ministry)。台灣新北市:中華福音神學院出版:華宣發行,2019。
5. 柏納德、艾得理著。白陳毓華譯。《跨越文化倫理學 - 異文化宣教的道德難題》。台北:華,2001。或Adeney, Bernard T. Strange Virtues—Ethics in a Multicultural World. Downers Grove, Ill: InterVarsity Press, 1995.
6. Lanier, Sarah A. Foreign to Familiar. Hagerstown, MD: McDougal, 2000.參考書目:
1. 杰森‧乔治。《三维福音:在罪咎、羞耻和惧怕的文化中传福音》。香港:中华三一出版有限公司,2019。(Georges, Jayson The 3D Gospel: Ministry in Guilt, Shame, and Fear Cultures)
2. Lane, Patty. A Beginner’s Guide to Crossing Cultures: Making Friends in a Multicultural World. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002.
3. Brewster, E. Thomas and Elizabeth S. Brewster. Language Acquisition Made Practical. (LAMP) Colorado Springs, CO: Lingua House, 1976.
4. Elmer, Duane. Cross-Cultural Conflict: Building Relationships for Effective Ministry. Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 1992.
5. Hale, Thomas. On Being a Missionary. Pasadena, CA: William Carey, 1995.
6. Hawthorne, Steve, and Graham Kendrick. Prayer-walking: Praying on Site with Insight. Orlando, FL: Creation House, 1993.
7. Hess, Daniel. The Whole World Guide to Culture Learning. Intercultural Press, 1994.
8. Keidel, Levi. Conflict or Connection: Interpersonal Relationship in Cross- Cultural Settings. Carol Stream, IL: Evangelical Missions Information Service.
9. Kraft, Marguerite. Frontline Women: Negotiating Cross-cultural Issues in Ministry. Pasadena, CA: William Carey, 2003.
10. Lingenfelter, Judith E. and S. G. Lingenfelter. Teaching Cross-Culturally: An Incarnational Model for Learning and Teaching. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2003.
11. Marshall, Terry. The Whole World Guide to Language Learning. Intercultural Press, 1990.
12. Pirolo, Neal. The Reentry Team: Caring for Your Returning Missionaries. San Diego, CA: Emmaus Road International, 2000.
13. Stanley, Paul D. and J. Robert Clinton. Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed in Life. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1992.
14. White, Thomas. The Believer’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare. Ann Arbor, MI: Vine Books, 1990.

- Teacher: 潘凱玲傳道 Ms. Poon Hoi Ling ADJUNCT
- Teacher: 曾錫華牧師 Rev. Dr. Tsang Sik Wah FACULTY