科 目:CO518-E 轉變中的家庭:離婚、單親與再婚家庭
上課日期:2023年9月21日至 2023年11月23日
上課時間:7:00pm - 9:30pm (香港時間)
教 授:劉佩婷博士
A. 學員對象
這是碩士程度的輔導課程, 歡迎以下人士修讀:
- 正在修讀婚姻與家庭輔導課程的同學;
- 對心理輔導理論和家庭系統理論有基本認識的同學;
- 歡迎旁聽
- 認識一份親密關係的結束所經歷的過程
- 認識家庭瓦解對子女一生的影響
- 認識單親及再婚家庭的特色和對輔導的啓示
- 認識單親家庭及重組家庭的親職功能挑戰
- 反思信仰和受傷的家人關係
C. 課程內容
21/9 | 1 | 課程介紹: 打岔了的家庭成長週期 |
28/9 | 2 | 家庭瓦解的開始 |
5/10 | 3 | 在離異家庭中成長 |
12/10 | 4 | 幫助離異後的家庭: |
19/10 | 5 | 不完整的組合: |
26/10 | 6 | 錯綜複雜的形勢1: |
2/11 | 7 | 錯綜複雜的形勢2: |
9/11 | 8 | 錯綜複雜的形勢3: |
16/11 | 9 | 從信仰角度反思 「受傷的家人關係」 |
23/11 | 10 | 總結 |
D. 科目要求
1. 閱讀反思, 40% (至少2000字)
2. 家庭訪談與反思, 60% (至少4000字)
- 訪問一個轉變中的家庭
- 繪畫家庭圖
- 應用家庭系統理論, 分析家庭互動關係
- 以心理輔導角度, 明白家庭成員的情感依附需要
E. 參考書目
1. 黃維仁著. (2012)。【窗外依然有藍天: 婚變的解析與重建】。臺灣:財團法人愛家文化。
2. 陳敏甄著. (2011)。【單飛媽咪】。香港:天行者出版有限公司。3. 莫妮卡.麥戈德里克,藍迪.格爾森,蘇莉.派崔著。基督徒救世會譯。(2012)。【家庭評估與會談技巧 Genograms: Assessment and Intervention】。啟示出版社.
4. 麥克.尼可 (Michael P. Nichols) 著. 劉瓊瑛譯。【家族治療】。臺北 : 洪葉文化, 2011.
5. McGoldrick, G. & Petry (2008). Genograms: Assessment and Intervention (3rd ed.). W.W. Norton.
6. Goldenberg, Herbert & Goldenberg, Irene. (2013). Family Therapy: An Overview (8th edition). Brooks Cole, Cengage Learning.
7. Guerin, P. J., Fogarty, T. F., Fay, L. F., & Kautto, J. G. (1996). Working with relationship triangles: The one-two-three of psychotherapy. New York: Guilford Press.
8. Salvador Minuchin 著 ; 劉瓊英譯. 【結構派家族治療入門】。臺北 : 心理出版社, 2007.
9. Balswick, J. O. & Balswick, J. K. (1999). The Family. 2nd Ed. Michigan: Baker Books.
10. Cloud, H., Carder, D., Henslin, E. & Townsend J. (2011). Unlocking Your Family Patterns: Finding freedom from a hurtful past. Moody Publishers.
11. Price, Sharon J., Christine A. Price and Patrick C. McKenry., eds. (2010). Families and Change: Coping with Stressful Events and Transitions, 4th ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
12. Fine, M. A., & Harvey, J. H. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of Divorce and Relationship Dissolution. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
13. Brown, E. (2001). Patterns of Infidelity and Their Treatment (2nd edition). New York: Brunner/Mazel.
14. Peluso, P.R. (2007). Infidelity: A Practitioner's Guide to Working with Couples in Crisis. Routledge.
15. Gaulier, B., Margerum, J., Price, J.A. &Windell, J. (2007). Defusing the High-Conflict Divorce: A Treatment Guide for Working with Angry Couples. USA: Impact Publishers.
16. Baker, A. J. L. & Fine, P. R. (2014). Surviving Parental Alienation: A Journey of Hope and Healing. Rowman & Littlefield.
17. Papernow, P. (1993). Becoming a Stepfamily: Patterns of development in remarried families. New York: Gardner Press.
18. Visher, E.B. and Visher, J.S. (1996). Therapy with Stepfamilies: Basic Principles into Practice. Brunner Mazel
19. Browning, Scott and Elise Artelt. (2012). Stepfamily therapy: A 10-step Clinical Approach. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.
20. Yarhouse, M. A. & Sells, J. N. (2017). Family Therapies: A Comprehensive Christian Appraisal. U.S.: InterVarsity Press.

- Teacher: 劉佩婷博士 Dr. Lau Pui Ting FACULTY