科        目:APW501-E 敬拜讚美的聖經基礎 (試讀計劃)      
上課日期:2023年9月21日至 2023年11月23日

上課時間:7:00pm - 9:30pm (香港時間)
教        授:高銘謙牧師


A. 課程目標


B. 課程內容

1. 簡介課程、音樂、敬拜與讚美的聖經神學方法論,定義敬拜,古近東的聖殿、樂器與考古
2. 舊約的聖殿傳統
3. 約翰的敬拜神學 (張雲開)
4. 歷代志的敬拜觀:尋求神的神學 
5. 歷代志的利未歌頌者的任務
6. 詩篇的哀歌傳統
7. 保羅的敬拜神學 (張雲開)
8. 詩篇的感恩及讚美傳統
9. 五經禮祭的祭司傳統 
10. 古近來的敬拜與伊甸園 

C. 科目要求

1. 閱讀教科書的導論(p.2-20),以及代上十三至十七章(p.226-299),二十一及二十二章(p.328-369),二十五章(p.401-410),以及二十八至二十九章(p.442-484)的頁數。(分數:15%)

2. 測驗,30題問題,形式:google form是非題與多項選擇題。(分數:30%)

3. 專文:選擇一個聖經神學的主題作整合,必須綜合新舊約的神學,例如:聖經的哀歌苦難與敬拜、聖經的感恩神學、聖經的聖殿與敬拜、社會公義與敬拜等等,可在定題目前詢問老師的意見。字數上限:4000字(學士),6000字(碩士)。(分數:55%)

D. 教科書及參考書目


1. 高銘謙。《歷代志上:預備天地同步的聖殿敬拜》。明道研經叢書。香港:明道社,2016。


1. Ko, Ming Him. The Levite Singers in Chronicles and their Stabilizing Role. LHB/OTS 657. London: Bloomsbury, 2017.

2. Kelly, Brian E. Retribution and Eschatology in Chronicles. JSOTSS 211. Sheffield: JSOT, 1996.

3. Riley, William. King and Cultus in Chronicles: Worship and the Reinterpretation of History. JSOTSS 160. Sheffield: JSOT, 1993.

4. Schniedewind, William M. The Word of God in Transition: From Prophet to Exegete in the Second Temple Period. JSOTSS 197. Sheffield: JSOT, 1995.

5. Tiňo, Jozef. King and Temple in Chronicles: A Contextual Approach to Their Relations. FRLANT 234. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2010.

6. Kleinig, John W. The Lord’s Song: The Basis, Function and Significance Of Choral Music in Chronicles. JSOTSS 156. Sheffield: JSOT, 1993.

7. Brueggemann, Walter. The Message of the Psalms: A Theological Commentary. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1984. (有中文翻譯)

8. Brueggemann, Walter. The Psalms and the Life of Faith. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1995.

9. Brueggemann, Walter. Israel’s Praise: Doxology Against Idolatry and Ideology. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1988.

10. Westermann, Claus. Praise and Lament in the Psalms. Atlanta: J. Konx Press, 1981.

11. Bellinger, W.H. Psalms: A Guide to Studying the Psalter. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012.

12. Kraus, Hans-Joachim. Theology of the Psalms. Minneapolis: Augsburg, 1986.

13. Tournay, Raymond Jacques. Seeing and Hearing God with the Psalms: The Prophetic Liturgy of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Sheffield: JSOT, 1991.

14. Gorman, Frank H. The Ideology of Ritual: Space, Time and Status in the Priestly Theology. JSOTSS 91. Sheffield: JSOT, 1990.

15. Haran, Menahem. Temples and Temple-Service in Ancient Israel. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978.

16. Jenson, Philip Peter. Graded Holiness: A Key to the Priestly Conception of The World. JSOTSS 106. Sheffield: JSOT, 1992.

17. Leach, Edmund Ronald. Culture and Communication : the Logic by Which Symbols Are Connected : An Introduction to the Use of Structuralist Analysis in Social Anthropology. Cambridge: CUP, 1976.

18. Levine, B.A. In the Presence of the Lord: A Study of Cult and Some Cultic Terms in Ancient Israel. SJLA 5. Leiden: Brill, 1974.