This course is to develop a general understanding of various concepts associated with trauma and crisis. It explores the nature and experience of trauma, especially the experiences of childhood trauma and interpersonal violence. Attention is given to increasing student awareness about the effects of trauma and crisis on individuals, families, groups and communities and the process of recovery. Different types of trauma healing are introduced, including the evidence-based therapeutic approaches, and rebuilding the shattered self. The course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on trauma and faith – the role of religion and spirituality in trauma recovery and the kind of pastoral care for trauma ministry in the context of the Christian community.
II. OBJECTIVES 學習目標Upon successful completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
1. Understand the different types of trauma and their psychological and physiological impacts.
2. Explain the neurobiological processes involved in the brain’s response to trauma.
3. Recognize the role of adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in trauma development.
4. Understand the various ways of trauma recovery, including the evidence-based therapeutic approaches for trauma healing, and rebuilding the shattered self.
5. Understand the relationship between spirituality and trauma recovery by exploring the psychological concepts of resilience and post-traumatic growth.
6. Apply trauma-informed care principles and practices in church and professional settings.
7. Understand the significance of self-care practice for people working with trauma survivors.III. CLASS SCHEDULE 每堂課的主題
3/1 |
1 |
Introduction – Understanding trauma and its impact. |
10/1 |
2 |
Trauma and Bible |
17/1 |
3 |
Brain and Trauma (MR. Eddie LO) |
24/1 |
No class |
31/1 |
4 |
Adverse Childhood Experience and Trauma (MR. Eddie LO) |
7/2 |
5 |
Paths to recovery (1) Theoretical framework and models for trauma healing |
14/2 |
6 |
Paths to recovery (2) – Rebuilding the shattered self (MR. Eddie LO) |
21/2 |
7 |
Paths to recovery (3) Spirituality and trauma recovery (Resilience and Post-traumatic Growth) |
28/2 |
8 |
Trauma-Informed Care/Church (MR. Eddie LO) |
6/3 |
9 |
Self-Care for people working with trauma survivors. |
13/3 |
10 |
Conclusion |
Van der Kolk,
B. A. (2014). The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and the Body in the
Healing of Trauma. New York: Penguin Group. 作者:貝塞爾.范德寇。譯者:劉思潔。 (2017)
。【心靈的傷,身體會記住】。The Body Keeps the Score.
V. ASSESSMENT 功課要求及學習時數分配 Content (mark) Due dates Biblical Case Study 聖經個案研究 (50%) (minimum 4 000 words in Chinese) 15 March, 2024 Reflection Paper 學習反思功課 (50%) (minimum 4 000 words in Chinese) 15 March, 2024
學習時數分配: 科目要求 學習時數 課程參與 25 hours (1500分鐘) 閱讀 25 hours (1500分鐘) 學科專文 25 hours (1500分鐘) 75 hours (4500分鐘)
REFERENCES 參考書目 5. Langberg, Diane. (2015). Suffering
and the Heart of God: How trauma destroys and Christ restores. NC: New
Growth Press.
- Teacher: 劉佩婷博士 Dr. Lau Pui Ting FACULTY