

NTC657 馬可福音課程大綱
















1.      以敘事角度去詮釋馬可福音。

2.      掌握馬可福音的信息、文學手法及神學信息。



1.      概覽整卷馬可福音的經文

2.      分析其中個別難解的部份

3.      分析馬可引用舊約經文的文學手法

4.      敘事神學與解讀福音書之關連




課前錄影 7小時

實體面授 710-11日每晚7:00-9:30713日上午9:00-12:00;下午1:00-4:00715-17日,每晚7:00-9:30


上課形式:同學先收看課前授課錄影 7小時40分鐘




Vancouver 日期

Vancouver 時間



晚上 7:00-9:30

2.5小時 (休息10分鐘)


晚上 7:00-9:30

2.5小時 (休息10分鐘)


早上 9:00-12:00

3.0小時 (休息10分鐘)


下午 1:00-4:00

3.0 小時 (休息10分鐘)


晚上 7:00-9:30

2.5小時 (休息10分鐘)


晚上 7:00-9:30

2.5小時 (休息10分鐘)


晚上 7:00-9:30

2.5小時 (休息10分鐘)







1.      課前功課10%

        i.    閱讀〈馬可福音〉一遍

      ii.    完成收看課前錄影

2.      課後功課

            i. 靈命感想30%



          ii. 經文釋經60%






在下面提供的英文資源 (Reference books and Journal Articles) 中,隨意選擇閱讀100頁。





(一)     建議可參考的文書

1.      孫寶玲。《馬可福音 : 福音之始》。香港 : 明道社,2011

2.      張略、黃錫木。《馬可福音析讀:奔走風塵的僕人》。香港 : 基道,2003

3.      曾思翰、鄧紹光。《馬可福音 : 敍事鑑別與神學詮釋》。香港 : 基道,2016

4.      董俊蘭。《馬可福音的啟示:受苦的人子彌賽亞》。台南 : 台灣教會公報社,2022



(二)     English Reference Books Provided Electronically

1.      Bond, Helen K. The First Biography of Jesus: Genre and Meaning in Mark’s Gospel. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2020.

2.      Carey, Holly J. Jesus’ Cry from the Cross: Towards a First-Century Understanding of the Intertextual Relationship between Psalm 22 and the Narrative of Mark’s Gospel. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2009.

3.      Culpepper, R. Alan. Mark. Macon, GA: Smyth & Helwys Pub., 2007.

4.      Iverson, Kelly. Gentiles in the Gospel of Mark: ‘Even the Dogs Under the Table Eat the Children’s Crumbs’. Vol. 339. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2007.

5.      Jeffers, James S. The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1999.

6.      Morrison, Gregg S., and Francis J. Moloney. The Turning Point in the Gospel of Mark: A Study in Markan Christology. Pickwick Publications, 2014.

7.      Rhoads, David M. et al. Mark as Story: An Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2012.

8.      Vette, Nathanael. Writing with Scripture: Scripturalized Narrative in the Gospel of Mark. London: T&T Clark, 2022.




(三)     English Journal Articles Provided Electronically

1.      Aguilar Chiu, José Enrique, “The Messianic Secret in the Gospel of Mark.” The Dunwoodie Review 44 (2022): 103-114.

2.      Collins, Adela Yarbro, “Mark’s Interpretation of the Death of Jesus.” Journal of Biblical literature 128 no. 3 (2009): 545-554.

3.      Combs, Jason Robert, “A Ghost on the Water? Understanding an Absurdity in Mark 6:49-50.” Journal of Biblical literature 127 no. 2 (2008): 345-358.

4.      Edwards, James R., “Markan Sandwiches: The Significance of Interpolations in Markan Narratives.” Novum Testamentum 31 no. 3 (1989): 193-216.

5.      Garroway, Joshua, “The Invasion of a Mustard Seed: A Reading of Mark 5.1-20.” JSNT 32 no. 1 (2009): 57-75.

6.      Goulder, Michael, “Psalm 8 and the Son of Man.” NTS 48 no. 1 (2002): 18-29.

7.      Guijarro, Santiago, “Why Does the Gospel of Mark Begin as it Does.” Biblical theology bulletin 33 no. 1 (2003): 28-38.

8.      Henning, Bruce, “Mark’s Miraculous Disciples. Ἤθελεν Παρελθεῖν Αὐτούσ (Mark 6.48) as Jesus’ Desire for the Disciples to Walk on Water.” JSNT 45 no. 1 (2022): 66-80.

9.      Iverson, Kelly R., “A Postmodern Riddle? Gaps, Inferences and Mark’s Abrupt Ending.” JSNT 44 no. 3 (2022): 337-367.

10.  Janes, Regina, “Why the Daughter of Herodias Must Dance (Mark 6.14-29).” JSNT 28 no. 4 (2006): 443-467.

11.  Johansson, Daniel, “Kyrios in the Gospel of Mark.” JSNT 33 no. 1 (2010): 101-124.

12.  Johansson, Daniel, “The Identity of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark: Past and Present Proposals.” Currents in Biblical Research 9 no. 3 (2011): 364-393.

13.  Keegan, Terence J., “The Parable of the Sower and Mark’s Jewish Leaders.” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 56 no. 3 (1994): 501-518.

14.  Kelley, Andrew J., “Miracles, Jesus, and Identity: A History of Research Regarding Jesus and Miracles with Special Attention to the Gospel of Mark.” Currents in Biblical Research 13 no. 1 (2014): 82-106.

15.  Knights, Chris, “Metamorphosis and Obedience: An Interpretation of Mark’s Account of the Transfiguration of Jesus.” Expository Times 121 no. 5 (2010): 218-222.

16.  Larsen, Kevin W., “The Structure of Mark’s Gospel: Current Proposals.” Currents in Biblical Research 3 no. 1 (2004): 140-160.

17.  Petersen, Norman R., “‘Point of View’ in Mark’s Narrative.” Semeia 12 (1978): 97.

18.  Reid, Duncan, “The Significance of the ‘Ransom Saying’ in Mark 10:45.” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 84 no. 3 (2022): 424-441.

19.  Smith, Charles W. F., “Fishers of Men: Footnotes on a Gospel Figure.” The Harvard Theological Review 52 no. 3 (1959): 187-203.

20. Spitaler, Peter, “Welcoming a Child as a Metaphor for Welcoming God’s Kingdom: A Close Reading of Mark 10.13-16.” JSNT 31 no. 4 (2009): 423-446.


(四)     Others(其他)

1.      Akin, Daniel L. Exalting Jesus in Mark. Broadman & Holman, 2014.

2.      Barcley, William B. The Gospel of Mark. Westminster John Knox, 2001.

3.      Black, C. Clifton. Mark’s Gospel: History, Theology, Interpretation. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eeramans, 2023.

4.      Blackwell, Ben C. et al. Reading Mark in Context: Jesus and Second Temple Judaism. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018.

5.      Bock, Darrell L. Mark. Cambridge University Press, 2015.

6.      Bolt, Peter. The Cross from a Distance: Atonement in Mark’s Gospel. IVP Academic, 2004.

7.      Boring, M. Eugene. Mark. Westminster John Knox, 2006.

8.      Brown, Jeannine K. The Gospels as Stories: A Narrative Approach to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Baker Academic, 2020.

9.      Collins, Adela Yarbro. Mark. Fortress Press, 2007.

10.  Dowd, Sharyn E. Reading Mark: A Literary and Theological Commentary on the Second Gospel. Smyth & Helwys, 2000.

11.  Edwards, James R. The Gospel According to Mark. Eerdmans, 2001.

12.  France, R. T. The Gospel of Mark. Eerdmans, 2002.

13.  Gombis, Timothy G. Mark. Zondervan, 2021.

14.  Harrington, Daniel J. Meeting St. Mark Today: Understanding the Man, His Mission, and His Message. Loyola Press, 2011.

15.  Healy, Mary. The Gospel of Mark. Baker Academic, 2008.

16.  Hooker, Morna D. The Gospel According to Saint Mark. Hendrickson, 1992.

17.  Kimondo, Stephen Simon. The Gospel of Mark and the Roman-Jewish War of 66-70 CE: Jesus’ Story as a Contrast to the Events of the War. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2018.

18.  Lane, William L. The Gospel of Mark. Eerdmans, 1974.

19.  Le Peau, Andrew T. Mark Through Old Testament Eyes: A Background and Application Commentary. Kregel Academic, 2017.

20.  Lunn, Nicholas P. The Original Ending of Mark: A New Case for the Authenticity of Mark 16:9-20. UK: The Lutterworth Press, 2015.

21.  Malina, Bruce J., and Richard L. Rohrbaugh. Social-Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels. Fortress Press, 2003.

22.  Moloney, Francis J. The Gospel of Mark: A Commentary. Baker Academic, 2012.

23.  Myers, Ched. Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark’s Story of Jesus. ORBIS, 2019.

24.  Phillips, John. Exploring the Gospel of Mark. Kregel Academic, 2003.

25.  Smuts, Peter W. Mark by the Book: A New Multidirectional Method for Understanding the Synoptic Gospels. P&R Publishing, 2013.

26.  Spencer, F. Scott. Reading Mark: A Literary and Theological Commentary. Smyth & Helwys, 2023.

27.  Strauss, Mark L. Mark. Zondervan, 2014.

28.  Taylor, Vincent. The Gospel According to St Mark: The Greek Text with Introduction, Notes and Indexes. Palgrave Macmillan, 1966.

29.  Waetjen, Herman C. A Reordering of Power: A Socio-Political Reading of Mark’s Gospel. Wipf & Stock, 2014.

30.  Williams, Joel F. Mark. B&H Academic, 2020.

31.  Witherington III, Ben. The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary. Eerdmans, 2001.

32. 曾思瀚。《壞鬼比喻 : 馬可福音篇 : 糾正新約比喻的常見詮釋》。香港:基道,2017

33. 曾思瀚。《被誤解的福音書政治 : 那些埋藏在馬太、馬可、路加筆下的經濟、文化與意識型態》。新北市 : 校園書房,2023