科        目:TH540-2E 希特勒時代認信教會歷史與神學       
上課日期:2024年9月24日至 2024年12月3日
上課時間:7:00pm - 9:30pm (香港時間)
教        授:

A. 學員對象


B. 課程目標


C. 課程內容

I. 認信教會神學的背境

- 民族教會與「去猶太化」的思想興起
- 從〈亞爾托納信條〉到〈伯特利信條〉
- 〈巴門神學宣言〉
- 認識認信教會

II.  認信教會神學的代表
- 卡爾·巴特(Karl Barth)的神學
- 潘霍華(Dietrich Bonhoeffer)的神學
- 漢斯·約雅敬·伊環(Hans Joachim Iwand)的神學

III. 認信教會神學的影響
- 赫爾穆特·戈爾維策(Helmut Gollwitzer)的神學
-  莫特曼(Jürgen Moltmann)的希望神學

D. 科目要求

閱讀報告: 40%(10月8日前呈交)
論文大綱: 10%  (10月29日前呈交)
學期論文: 50%  (1月3 日前呈交)

E. 教科書及參考書目

1. 郭鴻標著。《當代德語神學—從認信教會到正義和平神學》。香港:建道神學院,2023年。

2. Solberg, Mary M. A Church Undone: Documents from the German Christian Faith Movement 1932-1940. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2015. (BR856S653.2015)

3. Probst, Christopher J. Demonizing the Jews. Luther and the Protestant Church in Nazi Germany. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012.(BX4844P743.2012eb)

4. Gerlach, Wolfgang. And the Witness were Silent: The Confessing Church and the Persecution of the Jews. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1999. (DS146.G4.G4813.2000eb)

5. Stroud, Dean Garrett. Preaching in Hitler’s Shadow: Sermons of Resistance in the Third Reich. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2013. (BR856P74.2013)

6. Hockens, Matthew D. Church Divides: German Protestant Confront the Nazi Past. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004. (BR856-H685.2004eb)

7. Jüngel, Eberhard. Christ, Justice & Peace: Toward a Theology of the State in Dialogue with the Barmen Declaration. Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1992. (BV631J8613.1992)

8. Busch, Eberhard. The Barmen Theses then & now: The 2004 Warfield Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2010. (BX4844B87.2010)

9. McMaken, W. Travis. Our God loves Justice. An Introduction to Helmut Gollwistzer. Fortress Press, 2017. (BX4827G65eb)

10. Burgess, John P. The East German Church & the End of Communism: Essays on Religion, Democratization & Christian Social Ethics. Cary: Oxford University Press, 1997. (BR856.35-B.87.1997eb)

11. Kathleen Burton. The Nazi Religion & the Rise of the French Christian Resistance. Lanham: Rowan & Littlefield, 2022.(BR856B87.2022)

12. Brandt, Lori & Hall, W. David eds. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theology & Political Resistance. Lanham: Lexington, 2020. (BX4827B57D548.2020)

13. Tietz, Christiane & Barnett, Victoria. Theologian of Resistance: The Life and Thought of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2016. (BX4827B57T5413.2016)

14. Nielsen, Kirsten Busch et al eds. Dem Rad in die Speichen fallen: Das Politische in der Theologie Dietrich Bonhoeffer = A Spoke in the Wheel: The Political in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlaghaus, 2013. (BX4827B57I58.2013)

15. Green, Clifford J. & DeJonge, Michael P. eds. The Bonhoeffer Reader. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2013. (BX4827B57A27.2013)

16. Kelly, Geffrey B. Liberating Faith: Bonhoeffer’s Message for Today. Eugene: Wipf & Stock Publishers, 2002. (BX4827B57K434.2002)

17. Busch, Eberhard. Barth. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 2008.(BX4827B3B845.2008)

18. Pangritz, Andreas. Karl Barth in the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Grand Rapids: W.B. Eerdmans, 2000. (BX4827B57P3613. 2018) & (BX4827B57P3613.2000)

19. Krötke, Wolf, P.Burgess , John tran. Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer : theologians for a post-Christian world. Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group, 2019.(BX4827B3K763.2019)